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Directions to our Therapy Room

Chiltern Talking Therapies, The Hollows Business Park Unit 3 D&E, Winslow Rd, Little Horwood, Milton Keynes MK17 0PD


What3words: symphony.desire.sunbeam

Directions 1.png

This is the entrance to the Business Park, unfortunately it is not sign posted. Look for the road with the speed bump between the two houses (The Hollows and Harefields)

Direction 2.png

When you drive in from Winslow Road, keep going past the first building (1) and you’ll see Wenham Fitness on your left in building (2).

Drive round to the back of the building (2) and park in the big car park.

Come through the rear door and take a seat in the waiting room.

If the rear door is locked, please don't worry, your Therapist will let you in at your appointment time.

Please do not disturb Wenham Fitness, who may be training outside.

Please do not bang on the door or make noise if you are sitting in the waiting room - your Therapist is likely with another client and you will disturb them.

If you are in the waiting room with Bea (Jennie's Therapy Dog in Training), please ignore her - she's still training and gets quite excitable!

Directions 3.png

Occasionally the road is closed due to works, often from the Aylesbury side, at the railway bridge.

You can access the Therapy Room from the other side of Winslow. Just turn down Great Horwood Road.


If you get lost, please do call 07949 889492

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